"Šiluma" Released 2 Years Ago Today

Vaidotas: 2 years ago I went through big changes in my life. After 15 years, my girlfriend and I decided to go our separate ways.

I didn’t talk about it because it was too hard and it’s very personal. I kept quiet so that this wound would not be encouraged by public articles in the press.

The members of THE ROOP supported me. We transferred the feeling to creation. The song “Šiluma” (“Warmth”) tells everything. 2 years ago today, this song and video were released to the public.

Step By Step

Step by step we are getting closer to the new album.

The week spent in Sweden, in Karlskrona gave a lot. Wrote and recorded another new song, got acquainted with the possibilities of Virtual Production Studio Lab, met many people with whom we will cooperate in the future. Thanks TAB Project and RTVIC.

Building new paths and building new relationships takes time. We ourselves sometimes think why we are doing it, after all, there are many ways to live easier. But the heart says that we must make our own way, and not follow the good old paths.

Writing Lyrics

There is no single correct answer to what the creative process should be. Sometimes it seems that way. We just sit at the computer and write the lyrics. Sometimes the required lines appear in 5 minutes, and sometimes - one line in an hour.

Very often you want to drop everything, smash your computer and run away into the forest. But the song will not create itself. Often there is a feeling that everything is pointless, that no one cares. However, we realized that the most important thing is to be interesting to ourselves.

Photo from our creative camp.

Vaidotas In The USA. Part 2

USA Travel. Second part. Los Angeles, California. I liked it more than I thought. I had received a lot of information that this city is uninteresting, dirty, nothing beautiful. But I saw diversity, where there are wild parks and great beaches and good people. You will probably find what you are looking for.

The domestic flight from North Carolina was over 5 hours! The distances are really quite different. I was greeted by my friends Beata and Saulius, who gladly showed me the city and their everyday life.

We went to Venice Beach, where Billie Eilish sang during the closing ceremony of the Olympics. The place is very lively! Here you can watch skateboarding maneuvers, watch basketball enthusiasts, drink organic coffee with the owner of the cafe, who does not lack humor.

After dark, it’s worth looking at the endless lights of LA from the Griffith Observatory. There is a wildlife park nearby where you can also hear coyotes.

Saulius is studying at AFI, so he made a personal tour of this mecca of creators. Located near Hollywood, the location is like a campus of its own where A-level film professionals have worked, studied or visited. I’ve been to a library where you can find original movie scripts with signatures. For example, “Superman”, “Star Trek”, “Star Wars”, etc.

Another difference between the US and Europe is that in America water is usually given to drink with ice, while in Europe it is not. I always had to warn “No ice” in advance. No matter how hot it is outside, I still don’t need ice.

It is a coincidence that “Lithuanian Days” was held in Los Angeles at the same time. So I stopped by to say hello. There were many people and everyone was eating zeppelins, singing and dancing in good spirits. Little Lithuania was really there.

Vaidotas On The Hollywood Walk Of Fame

His music and dance inspired me to create my own musical journey.

Vaidotas In The USA. Part 1

I am currently visiting the USA. The state of North Carolina is very green - there is no shortage of forests here. And very neat, I didn’t see any garbage. It is interesting to observe the differences between Europe, which are not necessarily better or worse, just different.

The houses are beautiful, except that they are not made of bricks, but of a wooden frame and covered with plastic trim. Perhaps the climate allows it. And almost every household here has a truck.

Distances really do vary! It seems that it is not far, but suddenly the GPS calculates a 2-3 hour journey.

I visited Washington DC. A wonderfully organized city with magnificent architecture. Capitol Building, Lincoln Memorial. By the way, there are a lot of good museums here, which are always free for visitors.

There are also beaches that are spacious and not crowded.

It is very interesting to see more and more of the world, which is so diverse. When you travel, you start to see more, understand more, and of course these impressions can be found in future songs.

Very soon I’m going to Los Angeles, California. There are many more things to come.

Creative Camp 2024

Why are Creative Camps necessary? It's often very difficult to find time for creativity because the everyday worries and other mundane tasks take away focus, and inspiration never has the chance to come.

Creativity is not a mechanical task that can be easily interrupted by other activities and then picked up again immediately. A creative camp allows you to step away from the constant flow of information and finally start "digesting" what you already have inside, without being overwhelmed by additional streams of news. This is where lyrics and music are born.

We traveled to the Miškiniškės homestead, located in a beautiful part of Lithuania — Aukštaitijos National Park. We stayed in wooden log cabins. At the same time, we invited our friend and producer Vegard from Norway to join us. He liked the idea.

Every day for the entire week, work started at 9:30 AM. Lunch was at 3:00 PM. The workday ended at 11:00 PM, sometimes later. Speaking of lunch, it was a highlight of each day because we were served dishes made entirely from local ingredients. Everything was incredibly fresh and flavorful.

We set up the sound studio in the hall. To avoid a strong echo, we hung up blankets and brought in spare mattresses from the beds, which really helped a LOT. So, welcome to the "Mattress Studio"!

We fully completed four new songs! A few more were started but remain unfinished. We are incredibly satisfied with this camp. It's hard to capture the whole experience in a video, but we’re sharing it here as part of our story. We’re not afraid to show our imperfect creative process, where we search for melodies. We’ll see where the future takes us.

An Incredible Summer!

Thank you, Summer, for the warm weather, dewy meadows, concerts full of smiling people, trips, new acquaintances and the cherry on top - to be an opening act for Ed Sheeran’s concerts. An intense autumn is coming with a creative camp, a trip to America and the "Eurovision On Tour" tour in Europe and Australia. We are ready!


Greetings from Sicily, where it is unfashionable to count calories, be punctual and go to bed early. La DOLCE VITA!☀️🌊🍦

Mushroom Season!

Silver Outfits

Many have noticed our new silver clothes. We really like them! We want to encourage and let young talents spread. So this time we chose the rising designer Liutauras Suvorovas. He was assisted by a professional stylist Milda Metlovaitė. Thank you both! Another color in our palette!

📷 Teodoras Biliūnas / Orestas Gurevičius