7 signs that you are doing better than you think you are

πŸ‘‰ You changed a lot from a year ago. Change is a sign of growth. Be afraid of staying the same.
πŸ‘‰ You are serious about your goals. Most people don't even know their goals or they just follow the masses.
πŸ‘‰ You learn from mistakes. You own your mistakes and learn from them.
πŸ‘‰ You went through hard times. You understood that there is not only light in life, but also shadows. It means you are growing stronger, even if it's tough.
πŸ‘‰ You have 1-2 close friends. Having friends to count on is a sign that you are good person too.
πŸ‘‰ You trust that everything will be alright. You trust that the universe has great things in store for you and you take action to bring them into reality.
πŸ‘‰ You read this post all the way through. You are not afraid of long texts and you are always curious.