We are nominated in the Lithuanian M.A.M.A. music awards for 2 nominations!
The first nomination is for the music video of the year - "Let's Get Naked". This video is the most expensive in the history of our band. Why do we mention it? Because we always invest in our videos and want to create a World Class product. It really worked for us! Director Jonas Trukanas has created an amazing time travel to the past. So many actors nailed their roles to the best! We are very honored that an actor from Spain - Alberto Velasco - agreed to fly in to take part in the video. We are so grateful to the whole big team!🙏❤️
The second nomination is the group of the year. During this year, we really accomplished a lot: we released the album "Concrete Flower" and even 5 music videos. We had many concerts both in Lithuania and around Europe. When we think about this year, we can see that it was really special.
Thanks for these nominations and confirmation that we are on the right track. Sending lots of love to everyone!❤️

Photos by D.Umbrasas / LRT